What mat thickness should you choose?

A 2mm mat and a 4mm mat rolled up side by side.


The thickness of your mat is a choice you should do according to the type of practice you have, your life style and, of course, your own personal taste.

Both 2mm and 4mm have their pros and cons but don't worry this short text is here to help you make your choice.

A close shot of a 2mm mat and a 4mm mat

4mm thickness

The most comfortable option, you'll never need an extra layer under your knees or your elbows to feel well.

It is also the most versatile option, this thickness suits any kind of yoga, meditation or stretching practice.

Go to 4mm mats

2mm thickness

The lighter option, twice as thin twice as light and less cumbersome. If you have to carry your mat all day long with you or if you are a traveller, you might consider this option.

What you lose in comfort, you get it back in connection with the ground. Some of us really like to feel that connection. It is often the case if your practice is made of a lot of blance and inversion poses for example.

Go to 2mm mats

2mm Mats

4mm Mats